About Us
Our story
Ever since my very first days as a teacher of mathematics and science in secondary school, I felt and believed there was something missing in the education mix. There had to be a better way to teach and learn. Some students were ‘slipping through the cracks’ and missing out on opportunities simply because the teaching regimen and rationale of the education system at the time was not catering to their needs. In his book, The Element How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, Sir Ken Robinson captures the simplicity of that need for an alternative “…we are born with tremendous natural capacities, and that we lose touch with many of them as we spend more time in the world. Ironically, one of the main reasons this happens is education. The result is that too many people never connect with their true talents and therefore don’t know what they’re capable of achieving”. After almost a whole professional lifetime in both indoor and outdoor education and driven by a conviction that there was a better way, an educational platform, CDN21 Pty Ltd was created and the foundation of an alternative approach to succeeding in life set down in the 2017 publication of Decisions, Decisions! How to Make the Right One Every Time. Your Decisions Count is the next step in offering all a reassuring passage to a more satisfying personal life, a more collaborative community life and a more sustainable planetary life.
I have been involved in education in various ways throughout my adult life, first in New Zealand and later in Australia.
I have taught in early education and primary and secondary schools.
From the very first day in the classroom, I realised that children are not all going to benefit in the same way from the instruction. They have different abilities, attributes and come from different backgrounds. It was the beginning of a life-long journey as I searched for an area I could really make a difference and help children learn.
In working with Steve, I have finally gained access to a universal decision making framework (the E.C.R.O.M. Model) which has provided clarity and understanding about our decision making process and how we relate to others and therefore our learning. I feel this is so valuable as we are all confronted with decision making throughout our life’s journey.
Where Differences Unite and Similarities Galvanise
In any team, however big, however small, there will be differences amongst its members: There could be differences in values, differences in physicality, differences in how challenges and objectives are addressed or all in any combination.
At Your Decisions Count, we believe in the power of individual differences to align efforts and reap the benefits of even better results in our collective endeavours.
With close to a century of combined professional, educational practice and personal family experience, we are well positioned to deliver to our clients the very highest quality in practical, educational solutions.
With this in mind, Your Decisions Count has been a double-lifetime in the making … and it is not done yet because, by its very nature and reason for being, it remains not just a work in progress: It represents a dynamic approach to the needs of people, like yourselves, who have chosen to step up, take command and demand a better life for themselves, their families and their places of work
Warning: This could well be a road less travelled.
To find out more about how you can step up and become a co-traveller along the Your-Decisions-Count pathway to a better life, check out the Free Training Page or contact us here.