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How is the E.C.R.O.M. Model for decision making different to any other way of understanding decision making?
The E.C.R.O.M. Model for decision making is unique in three important ways:
i) The Model is a convenient framework that takes into account the complete range of mental activity modes when a decision is made: cognitive, affective, conative, physical and spiritual. Decisions are therefore described in terms of a balanced contribution from each of these mental energy modes.
ii) The E.C.R.O.M. Model has been created from a blend of both a recognised, academic perspective and from the observed trends and patterns of behaviour of human beings as a whole.
iii) The Model therefore has the advantage of serving people across the full range of education and experience irrespective of culture, ethnicity and gender.
Do I really need all this decision making information? I always think things through before I make a decision. Isn’t this all there is to making a decision?
If you are consistently satisfied with the decisions you make, then that’s absolutely fine… stick to your formula.
However, the E.C.R.O.M Model provides a check list of five different ‘angles’ from which to view the decision to be made or those already made which can often reveal factors, like your beliefs and sub-conscious conditioning, that could strengthen your decision or work against it. It’s like you don’t know what you don’t know.
There are a number of products available: where should I start?
Reading Decisions, Decisions! How to Make the Right Decision Every Time is definitely the place to start…
or listening to the audio version.
If you really want to dive right in and get to the nitty-gritty then it’s best to start with the E-Lessons. It is worth having a copy of the book (or audio book) handy because the E-Lessons closely follow the chapters in sequence
Do I need to have read the book before starting the E-Lessons?
You could do both at the same time as the E-Lessons follow the sequence of chapters in the book quite closely.
What on-going support is there if I do the E-Lessons?
When you register for the E-Lesson course, you automatically receive an invitation to become a member of a private Facebook support group of people on the same or similar path of inquiry as you. Here you can ask questions in the group or share you own E-Lesson experience.
There will be additional information via videos and posts.
How long will it take to finish the E-Lessons?
Doing at least one or two lessons per week is recommended as this keeps the ‘learning’ momentum up.
Of course, you can also plan a quiet, E-Lesson retreat for yourself and do them all at once.
How long will it take for any of my questions to be answered when I am doing the E-Lessons?
Should you have an E-Lesson question, we aim at having your answers to you within twenty-four hours through the Facebook group.
It is a special closed group for which you automatically receive an invitation to become a member (Sharing the learning journey with other like-minded people is an important part of being in the group)
I procrastinate. I am indecisive and dither when I have to make a decision. I keep asking myself the ‘what-if I’m making the wrong decision?’ Will reading Decisions, Decisions! How to Make the Right One Every Time help make my decision making less stressful?
Yes. Reading Decisions, Decisions! How to Make the Right One Every Time will give you a consistent and reliable structure around which to make your decisions. For example, when you find yourself dithering, you may not be working with your strengths and in the way you need to do your best work.
How will using this E.C.R.O.M. Model for decision making save me time?
i) You will always have a starting point whenever you have to make a decision which reduces or eliminates procrastination.
ii) Secondly, applying the model will give you greater clarity on why you are making the decision and on what you want to get out of the decision. Put another way, using the Model reduces or eliminates ‘going down blind alleys’.
Can I use the E.C.R.O.M. Model for decision making to help my children make better decisions?
models in this regard.
Being aware of how we are making decisions is a great way to be that role model.
Attention to the process of decision making in a positive way will ‘rub off’ on our children.
Can I use the E.C.R.O.M. Model for decision making for my business and if so does it cost anything?
Yes. The E.C.R.O.M. Model can easily be used in your business and there are three levels in
which it can be most beneficial:
1. Engaging the E.C.R.O.M. Model in your own decision making on a daily basis. This enhances confidence in your business-related decisions.
2. Sharing your knowledge and understanding of the E.C.R.O.M Model with your colleagues and team members informally helps maintain an environment of positive review and inquiry throughout work-related projects.
3. Teaching the E.C.R.O.M. Model and how it can be applied to business decisions is a great way to help reduce work-related stress and improve efficiency across all business operations. The model is also useful when matching new recruits with specific responsibilities within the business. Should you wish to find out more about this business application of the E.C.R.O.M. Model please go to the Contact Us page email on (info@yourdecisionscount.com) or call us direct on 61 7 47788275.
I believe in self-education. Am I correct in assuming that your products, including the E-Lessons, are a type of self-education?
Yes, to a large extent as the products engage flexibly in a self-paced time frame. It is worth noting though, that the products draw upon our study of and experience in both mainstream education and the more pragmatic or practical aspects of the market place and the street.
I am an advocate of global sustainability. Do your products support that?
Yes. Our products all support a sustainable, global community. Built into the E.C.R.O.M Model of decision making is a balanced approach to developing a mindset of global sustainability, i.e. presenting decision making as a holistic human endeavour where all parts of the mind and body are engaged. Our products also reflect the view that human progress and development is in balance with conservation and preservation of natural habitats.
We believe in a quality environment for all in which to live, work and play and therefore deliver our products and services to you in a spirit of global sustainability.
What happens if I don’t want to continue with any one the products after I have paid for it?
At Your Decisions Count, we are one hundred percent committed to the principals of:
Mutual Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Environmental Sustainability.
With this in mind, our pledge to you is that, if within thirty days of purchase, you are not satisfied with the quality of our service or product, we will refund one hundred percent of the purchase price.